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Welcome Alumni!
The McDonell Alumni Association (MAA) has over 4,000 active graduates who live across the nation and around the world. As an alum you are part of one of the most loyal, successful, and generous alumni groups in the country. There are many ways to stay connected, including: 

  • Check out our news page
  • Attend an Alumni Event
  • Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter
  • Volunteer at an alumni event
  • Nominate a fellow alum to serve on the McDonell Alumni Association Governing Board or our Hall of Fame committee. 
  • Read the latest news on our alumni magazine, the Mack Messenger.

Please contact us anytime with your feedback, suggestions, and questions. We love hearing from you!

Stay in touch!

Nick Martell ‘05                                                  
President, McDonell Alumni Association

Amber Leibrandt 
Advancement Coordinator

     Update your contact information

     Make a Gift

The mission of the McDonell Alumni Association is to honor the tradition of our Catholic education, promote the future growth of our alumni, celebrate our alma mater, and remain connected with MACS graduates and supporters of all ages. 

Fundraising Policy

View Fundraising Policy PDF (Short)

A multi-phase plan that financially and responsibly meets the needs of ongoing programs, establishes protocols for expanding and increasing programs, attends to donor fatigue, preserves the image of MACS, and decreases the burdens of current families, staff, and students all while maintaining the quality of the amazing programs MACS has.

1. Streamline fundraising for McDonell Area Catholic Schools 
2. Maintain and increase positive donor relations with stakeholders
3. Create proper fiscal & stewardship oversight without dictating program outcomes or stifling creativity
4. Support new and ongoing program growth

Want to be featured in the Class Notes section in the Mack Messenger? Fill this quick form to keep the MACS community in the loop! 

McDonell Alumni Association



MAA Events 


Nick Martell '05

Kari Stepp '00
Vice President

Tony Thornton '87

Rolly Enderes '96

Mary Beth Pfeifer '87

Chris Eckes '09

School Closing